Go where you want to go, when you want to go!
New for 2022! There’s a new, easy way to catch a ride Northeast Wake County! GoWake SmartRide NE will be launching early next year and will offer rideshare options for the residents of Zebulon, Wendell, Rolesville and the unincorporated areas in between. Visit https://bit.ly/3IYb9ff for more information.
Community Corner: Transportation services available. Contact the following vendors for more information:
Go Cary https://gocary.org/ 316 N. Academy St., NC 27513 919-481-2020
Go Raleigh https://goraleigh.org/ 4104 Poole Road Raleigh, NC 27610 919-398-1865
Go Triangle https://gotriangle.org/ 4600 Emperor Blvd, Durham, NC 27703 919-485-7433 option 3
**Please note that GoWake Access does currently provide transportation service to Wake County vaccination sites at no cost.
GoWake Access (Age 60+). Visit https://bit.ly/3cgAhzN for more information.
Extended Hands of NC, Inc. & “Inter-Faith Food Shuttle” providing:
Community Mobile Market Drive Thru (11am-1pm)
When: 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Where: St. John United Holy Church
3201 Jack Mitchell Road
Zebulon, NC 27597
For more information contact:
(919) 333-2118
Email: extendedhandsofnc@gmail.com
Explore tools and resources at https://bit.ly/CDCCovid-19
Wake County Human Services has prepared a COVID-19 Information and Resource guide that can be helpful during these challenging times. Check it out! https://bit.ly/wakeresource
Hope4Healers in partnership with NCDHHS provides mental health and resilience supports for health care professionals, other staff who work in health care settings, first responders and their families. Check out the link for more information https://www.ncdhhs.gov/